
An unforgettable class trip to Canterbury


Mias report (10.8)

I‘m part of a bilingual class, so in the project week from 8th September to 12th September my class 10.8 and class 10.5 went on a long-planned classtrip to South England and now I will tell you a bit of my experience there.

On Sunday, we had to be at school at 6 a.m., so you can guess that we were totally tired when we drove off with a huge bus and a nice bus driver (who also drove us around every day in Britain, by the way). Luckily, because we started so early, we could take the earlier ferry from Calais to Dover. When we arrived in England, we could directly feel the typical English weather (it rained) and we could experience the feeling of driving left, which was at first a little bit confusing, but it turned normal after a while.

It was a short way to Canterbury, where we went directly in our houses to unpack our things. I liked the way we lived in our 6-person-houses, because everyone had her/his own room and we had a citchen to cook meals by ourselves every evening. Sometimes, it was a challenge to keep everything tidy and clean, but we managed to have our very own household for four days, which I‘m proud of.

The activities on our classtrip were all amazing and well-organized. On Monday, we had a guided tour in Canterbury centre which was really cool to listen to and in the afternoon we were at Whitstable (next to the sea shore) where we had a lot of free (shopping) time in small groups. On Tuesday, we went to London, which I was very excited for. There, we went by tube and discovered famous places like the Natural History Museum, Buckingham Palace, Picadilly Circus, Trafalger Square, Big Ben and the Tower Bridge. It was a full day of walking, taking photos and being impressed, so, as you can imagine, we were totally tired at the end of the day. On Wednesday, the weather was extremely cool for our visit of Dover Castle where we learned incredible things about its long-reaching history and where we had a great view at the sea (and even at France). Thursday, it was already time to drive all the way we came back.

Even though it was a short classtrip, I had a lot of fun with my group, my classmates and the other class, not to forget the nice English guys who were always very polite and friendly to us!

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Sarahs report (10.8)

Now, we are all in year 10. We are one out of two bilingual classes in our grade. My class, 10.8 and class 10.5 visited England for a few days.

On Sunday, we took the bus for 5 to 6 hours. Then we took the ferry, and we were in England. After a couple of hours, we arrived in Canterbury. We had our own houses for 4 to 6 people, and everybody had their own room with a bed, a desk and a wardrobe. On Monday, we had a guided tour in Canterbury, where we could see the most important sights of Canterbury. After this, we had free time and went shopping. In the afternoon, we drove to Whitstable, there we went to the sea and went shopping again. It was very funny because we made lot of jokes. On the next day we drove to London. This day I really enjoyed because London is a beautiful city, and you can see so many nice shops and such amazing buildings. This day had so many highlights, but one of my favourites was the photo of Big Ben. After this London trip, we took the tube to Dennis, who was our bus driver. After this absolutely cool day, we went back to our campus at the University of Kent.

These were my highlights of my class trip, but I also really enjoyed the other days in Dover and Canterbury.

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