2023_06_22_England (1).jpg

Enjoying the sun in England – Class 7.9


Class 7.9 went on a very sunny class trip to Worthing / Littlehampton together with class 7.8 from 5th-9th June 2023.  Here are the students’ impressions:

The journey to Worthing

(by Hanna, Natalia, Filippo and Simon)

We went to England by coach and left Kerpen with Ms Schulte-Mattler and Mr Venatier at 8 am on Monday morning after we had said goodbye to our parents. Our journey took about 10 hours because we had to wait at the passport control in Calais for more than three hours – but we spent that time singing. So it was really funny and those hours didn’t feel so long. It was one of our best trips and everybody should go to England.

Staying with host families

(by Adriana, Lucy, Cristina and Dario)

During our trip to England we stayed with host families and that was a really great experience. Not only did we improve our English but we also learned more about England and the people who live there. The host families were very kind and nice and they made us feel really comfortable. We talked a lot and got to know each other really well. We think that other bilingual classes should also have the chance to experience the same things we experienced. We had such a fantastic time there!

The South Downs

(by Ikechi, Julia, Oliver and Ella)

The South Downs are a beautiful place for hiking. On top of the chalk cliffs we had an amazing view. After we had walked for a while we had a very tasty picnic together with the other class (7.8). Sometimes the hike was very exhausting because we always had to walk up and down. But it was still fun! We talked and laughed a lot. It was brilliant!

Our day in London

(by Dana, Lars, Bashir and Alina)

As you may well know, London is an impressive city with many attractions and beautiful sights. Our day there was very interesting and we learned a lot about the sights and general facts about London. A very good thing about London was the river cruise because we could relax there and listen to interesting facts from the tour guide. We could take many beautiful photos of some sights like Tower Bridge, the Tower of London or the Shard. The drive to London wasn’t boring either because we again talked a lot, listened to music and watched the beautiful landscape from the windows.

Having fun with 7.8

(by Leo, Paul and Savina)

We think it was very nice to go to England with another class. It was really fun to listen to music together and we could make new friends. It was very exciting to learn something about the other class.

Brighton – our last day

(by Jakob, Smilla, Eva and Mats)

Brighton is a fantastic city for class trips. Students have many activities to choose from, for example, swimming in the sea, shopping with classmates.

Moreover, we were able to visit the Royal Pavilion, went to the biggest pier in England and had a fantastic view of Brighton and the coastline from the i360 tower.

We had an amazing day in Brighton and it is a must for every class that wants to have a nice time in England.

All in all, it was a wonderful week in England and we think every bilingual class should go on a class trip to England and stay with host families to have an exciting time, make new friends, practise their English and have lots of interesting experiences.

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